Qualification : Ph.D. (IIMC), M.Sc., B.Sc.
Functional Area : Information System
Experience Detail
Work Experience (Academic)
- OP Jindal Global University – Assistant Professor
- OP Jindal Global University – Lecturer
- City University of Hong Kong – Research Assistant
Work Experience (Industrial)
Tata Consultancy Services – Systems Engineer
Publications and Research Works
Journal Publications
- Tarafdar P. and Bose I. (2021). Recognition of Human Activity for Wellness Management Using a Smartphone and a Smartwatch: A Boosting Approach, Decision Support Systems, 140, Article 113426 – Rated A* by ABDC
- Tarafdar P. and Bose I. (2021) How Should Mydbots Manage Innovations in Consumer Robotics? Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 49, 287-303 – Rated A by ABDC
- Tarafdar P. and Bose I. (2019). Systems Theoretic Process Analysis of Information Security: The Case of Aadhaar, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 29(3), 209-222. – Rated A by ABDC
Teaching Cases
- Bose I., Dutt S., and Tarafdar P. (2020). Automated Transformation of Digital Content: Innovation at Indegene, IIM Calcutta Case Research Center
- Bose I. and Tarafdar P. (2018). Manthan’s Maya: Assisting Executive Decision Making Through Voice Analytics, IIM Calcutta Case Research Center
Conferences and Workshops
- Tarafdar P., Leung ACM., Yue WT., and Bose I. (2020). Can Touch Interaction Predict Product Related Emotion? A Study on Mobile Augmented Reality, Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Tarafdar P., Leung ACM., Yue WT., and Bose I. (2019). Impact of Immersive Interface Design on Consumer Perceptions during Online Product Presentation, Fortieth International Conference on Information Systems, Munich
- Tarafdar P., Leung ACM., Yue WT., and Bose I. (2019). Impact of Immersive Interface Design on Consumer Perceptions during Online Product Presentation, IS Workshop, City University of Hong Kong.
- Tarafdar P. and Seetharaman P. (2017). Social Movements in the Age of Social Media: A Structural and Content-based Analysis, ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research Conference, IIM Bangalore
- Tarafdar P. and Bose I. (2016). Credit Risk Assessment in Peer to-Peer Lending Model, International Conference on Innovation, Market Competition & Economic Development, IMI Bhubaneswar and EGADE Business School Mexico City